Mozrank Checker

Search Engine Optimization

Mozrank Checker

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About Mozrank Checker

Want to unlock powerful search ranking insights and boost your website's authority? The Mozrank Checker is your ultimate tool.

With just one click, this Mozrank Checker reveals your current search ranking position and provides actionable tips to increase your Mozrank score. As the go-to metric for measuring site authority, understanding your Mozrank is crucial for ranking higher in Google search results and driving more organic traffic.

What is Mozrank and Why It Matters for SEO

As website owners, Mozrank Checker is one of the key performance indicators we monitor. Mozrank measures the search engine authority and popularity of a specific web page or website.

It does this by examining the number and quality of external sites linking to your page — known as backlinks in SEO lingo.

Mozrank Checker was developed by the SEO analytics company Moz to determine how well optimized a site is and how high it ranks in search engines like Google. The Mozrank metric gives every web page a score between 1 and 10, with 10 indicating the highest SEO authority and search engine ranking potential.

So if you want to outrank competitors, monitoring your Mozrank Checker score is crucial. And this tool makes it fast and simple to do just that.

Checking your Site's Mozrank Score

Wondering what your site's current Mozrank is? Our free online tool makes it incredibly easy to find out.

To check your Mozrank with the Mozrank Checker:

  1. Navigate to our Mozrank Checker tool page
  2. Enter up to 10 URLs you want insights for
  3. Click "Check Rank"

In seconds, you'll see critical ranking data for each URL including:

  • URL
  • Domain authority
  • Mozrank Checker score
  • Number of linking root domains
  • Total links

Analyzing this data side-by-side gives you a 360-degree view of what's impacting your Mozrank so you can create targeted strategies to boost it.

For example, if your domain authority is high but Mozrank score lower than competitors, focus on earning backlinks from more unique root domains. Our Mozrank Checker empowers you to unlock these types of actionable insights with ease.

Why Mozrank Matters for Ranking Higher

Now that you understand the basics of how the Mozrank Checker works, let's dive into why it matters for SEO and ranking well in organic search.

At a high level, Mozrank indicates how much authority and trust search engines like Google place in your site. And since over 90% of website traffic comes from search engines, ranking is enormously impactful.

Google and other search engines use Mozrank alongside hundreds of other signals to determine the order sites appear in organic results. This is why monitoring and working to improve your score is mission critical.

By generating more high-quality backlinks and increasing domain authority, you directly boost your Mozrank. And in doing so, make it infinitely easier to outrank competitors in SERPs for your target keywords.

That's why our Mozrank Checker tool is invaluable for any marketer, website owner or SEO agency focused on organic growth.

With clear historical Mozrank data and key metrics like domain authority and backlinks, our tool enables you to make data-backed decisions to maximize search visibility.

How the Mozrank Checker Algorithm Works

Now that you know why Mozrank matters, let’s explore how our Mozrank Checker calculates scores under the hood.

The foundation of the Mozscape index — which powers our tool — is an expansive web graph called the Linkscape. This graph contains trillions of interconnections between sites across the web.

By examining links and scoring metrics like domain authority, our algorithm determines the relative importance and authority value of the millions of sites in Linkscape.

The Mozrank Checker then assigns each page a score between 1 and 10 indicating authority and ranking potential.

Pages earning backlinks from other authoritative pages naturally have higher Mozrank. Our algorithm also examines dynamics like which sites link to your URLs, their relevance, and overall link velocity.

So in leveraging industry-leading connectivity data, the Mozrank Checker provides unparalleled search ranking insights. Our algorithm’s unique perspective on page authority helps uncover growth opportunities to increase organic visibility.

Tips to Improve Your Mozrank Score

Now that you understand what Mozrank is and how our checker calculates scores, let’s explore tips to increase yours.

Here are 7 proven strategies to earn more backlinks and boost your website’s domain authority to rank higher in SERPs:

1. Create Link-Worthy Content

High-quality content that offers true value naturally attracts visitors, social shares, and backlinks. So ensure your site contains helpful, engaging content optimized with target keywords.

2. Produce Visual Assets

Infographics, charts, and images tend to get shared more on social media. Include visuals to provide value and make it easy for others to embed your assets.

3. Start Guest Blogging

Reaching out to industry websites for contributor roles expands your audience and earns valuable backlinks. Prioritize high domain authority sites.

4. Promote Content on Social

Leverage platforms like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn to promote your best content. Ask followers to share posts to expand reach.

5. Build Relationships with Influencers

Connect with industry influencers on social media and via email outreach. Share their content and seek backlinks to specialty pages.

6. Publish on Content Hubs

Platforms like Medium, HackerNoon and Dzone enable you to publish content that lives on their domain while linking back to your site with author credit.

7. Create Linkable Assets

Tools, calculators and resources that add value for your audience can be easily linked to from other sites.

By combining several of these link building tactics, you’ll see your Mozrank Checker score and organic visibility rise over time.

When to Check your Mozrank Score

If you just launched a website or implemented major SEO changes, give it time for your efforts to impact performance before checking Mozrank.

Search engines need to crawl and index new pages before shifts are reflected in your score and ranking position. Generally allow 2-4 months following key changes to monitor progress.

Ongoing, check your Mozrank Checker score every 3-6 months to gauge link earning effectiveness and progress towards search visibility goals.

Year-over-year comparisons also provide helpful benchmarking to determine how impactful your SEO initiatives have been historically. Evaluating metrics annually helps guide strategy for earning more high authority backlinks moving forward.

Our Mozrank tool empowers SEO professionals to unlock these types of powerful historical insights with just a few clicks.


Now that you understand what the Mozrank Checker is and how to unlock search ranking insights with it, the next step is getting started.

Head to our tool page and input your target URLs right away. Leverage the detailed Moz data to build high-impact link earning plans, boost your pages' domain authority, and rank higher in Google search.

Backed by industry-leading data science, our Mozrank Checker provides unprecedented visibility into the dynamics impacting your organic ranking. Unlock these search visibility opportunities starting today.